Hotels in the jungle, Bali

Bali : Island of the Gods, The Morning of the World, a mystical place that evokes different visions for all that have experienced it, and for those that have only heard the name. An island that encompasses many diverse regions and styles – regions of untouched beauty, traditional villages, heaving and raucous budget-traveler districts, resort areas, playgrounds for the rich and famous, and many little hideaways all combined to form the identity that is Bali. Though not untouched by the impact of being a popular tourist destination, Bali has successfully managed to accommodate its many foreign visitors while maintaining its own rich culture.

Historically, Bali was a collection of independent kingdoms, before being brought under Dutch colonial control in the 19th century and incorporated into what was then the Dutch East Indies . In 1948, shortly after WWII, Bali, along with the rest of the country, achieved independence from Holland and become a part of Indonesia .

Having been a tourist destination since the early 1900's, Bali is accustomed to playing host to visitors from all over the world. This is expressed in the numerous facilities and activities for tourists on the island, along with the famed Balinese smile accompanying their friendly, relaxed, and personable demeanor.